How do I untrack an opportunity?


In any location in Remine Mobile, any property or person with a filled-in star (TrackButton3Filled.jpg TrackButton4Filled.jpg TrackButton2Filled.jpg) is an opportunity you're already tracking. If you tap this star, you'll untrack the opportunity.

There are several places where you can untrack properties or people:

Untrack properties
On the map, any orange star represents a property you're tracking. Tap the star on the map, and on the property card, tap the TrackButton2Filled.jpg button.
On the Track tab, tap any property. The Property Details page appears. In the upper right corner, tap the TrackButton3Filled.jpg button.
At the bottom of the Property Details page for an off market property, tap the Remove Track button.
On the Associated Properties page for a person, tap the TrackButton2Filled.jpg button in the upper right corner of a property card.

Untrack a person
On the Property Details page, scroll to the bottom. Tap the TrackButton4Filled.jpg button for one or more people.
On the Track tab, tap any person. The Associated Properties page appears. In the upper right corner, tap the TrackButton3Filled.jpg button
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